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It seems as though one of the most important relics in human history could possibly be shown to the public!

Check back here for details as they develop!

The Daily Mail writes:

A very British problem of a leaky church roof could be about to give the world the chance to glimpse the legendary Ark of the Covenant.

That’s because the claimed home of the iconic relic – a small chapel in Ethiopia – has sprung a leak and so the Ark could now be on the move.

The Ark – which The Bible says holds God’s Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai – is said to have been kept in Aksum, in the Chapel of the Tablet, adjacent to St Mary of Zion Church, since the 1960s.

According to the Old Testament, it was first kept in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem for centuries until a Babylonian invasion in the 6th century BC.

Since then it’s been the goal of many adventurers and archaeologists to find it. Most-famously, but also fictitiously, Indiana Jones was shown in the 1981 Steven Spielberg film Raiders of the Lost Ark.

There has also been a long-running claim from the Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia that they have had the Ark for centuries, and since the 1960s it has apparently been kept in the chapel.


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Looks like this canine got tired of seeing his owner have all the fun shooting ducks and decided to get in on the action…who knew he’d be such a good shot?!
The Salt Lake Tribune writes:

There’s probably not a whole lot more humiliating than being shot in the buttocks by your canine buddy.

Box Elder County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Kevin Potter says that’s what happened at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge while two duck hunters were getting set up for a morning on the water.

“One of the hunters was inside the boat with the dog, and the other hunter was in the water,” Potter said. “The guy in the water had put his 12-gauge shotgun across the bow of their boat.”

It turned out to be a doggone recipe for a painful end to the day’s outing.

“The dog got excited, was jumping around inside the boat and then it jumped on the gun. It went off, shooting the [decoy setter] in the buttocks,” Potter said.


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If you are familiar with the theory of aliens visiting earth and creating humans to mine gold for them to save their dying planet, you’re in for a treat.

A UFO convention in South Africa has released to the media that they know this theory to be a fact, and have evidence to back it up, supposedly.

The Huffington Post writes:

If humanity wants to understand the greed in a man or woman’s heart, he might want to look to the stars . . . and the little green men who might be living on them.

Aliens — much like humans — have been plundering the planet for gold for thousands of years, according to the organizer of South Africa’s first UFO Science and Consciousness Conference, held in Johannesburg last week.

“There’s a battle for Earth by some interesting dark forces,” conference organizer Michael Tellinger told News 24. “All the governments in the world are puppets and instruments to implement the will of a small group of individuals. The royal political bloodline goes back thousand of years.”


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If you thought the world was going to end with the activation of the Large Hadron Collider, it ain’t over yet!

There’s something bigger and much badder come in the future.

The Daily Mail writes:

A laser powerful enough to tear apart the fabric of space could be built in Britain.

The major scientific project will follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider and will answer questions about the universe.

The laser will be capable of producing a beam of light so intense that it will be similar to the light the earth receives from the sun but focused on a speck smaller than a pin prick.

Scientists say it will be so powerful they will be able to boil the very fabric of space and create a vacuum.

A vacuum fizzles with mysterious particles that come in and out of existence but the phenomenon happens so fast that no-one has ever actually been able to prove it.

It is hoped the Extreme Light Infrastructure Ultra-High Field Facility would allow scientists to prove the particles are real by pulling the vacuum fabric apart.

Scientists even believe it might help them to prove whether other dimensions actually exist.


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One frame of the live broadcast from a recent NFL game.

Who would’ve thought that aliens are football fans?

Apparently, they are, and it seems they have gotten themselves the best seats in the house, ones that fly around incredibly fast and can travel through space and time!

How much would a season pass for one of those go for? Anybody?

Here's proof that it couldn't possibly be a bug, like some critics say. You can see clearly it is in the distance and travels BEHIND the cathedral tower hundreds of meters away!

AOL writes:

For many football fans who watched the New Orleans Saints rout the Indianapolis Colts on Oct. 23, the most unusual thing about the game was the lopsided final score of 62-7.

But for UFO aficionados and paranormal experts who tuned in, they may have seen something in the sky that was even more out-of-the-ordinary than the tossing of more touchdowns vs. incompletions.

As NBC’s cameras returned from a commercial break and focused on the historic, triple-steepled St. Louis Cathedral in the city nicknamed the Big Easy, a couple of lit objects seemed to streak across the darkening sky — and they’ve yet to be definitively identified.

Viewed in real-time, it’s hard to see much more than something flashing across the screen. But a frame-by-frame scrutiny of the video reveals a rod-shaped object topped with brightly lit dots.


Here’s the video and frame-by-frame of the live broadcast.

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From "Squee" by comic book artist and creator, Jhonen Vasquez.

Scientist Michael Raduga claims to have solved our little alien problem we seem to have.

Apparently, he has proven that they don’t exist at all…period.

So, you can disregard the testimonials from  millions of  people, the thousands of encounters recorded in history, the few but well documented encounters from not only our own governments but, the majority of the world’s governments as well, AND the evidence that stretches back thousands of years and sleep a little more soundly tonight knowing that it’s all just your imagination.

MSNBC writes:

Researchers say they have conducted “the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind.”

In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in encounters with aliens.

According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences.

Raduga designed the experiment to test his theory that many reports of alien encounters are actually instances of people experiencing a vibrant, lifelike state of dreaming. If he could coach people to dream a realistic alien encounter, he said, that could prove that reports of such encounters are really just a product of our imaginations.

“When people experience alien abductions in the night, they usually don’t know they are actually in REM sleep and having an out-of-body experience,” Raduga told Life’s Little Mysteries, adding than an estimated 1 million Americans have such experiences each year.

“It’s very realistic and people cannot understand how it happens. [Our study] shows that it’s not about aliens, it’s about human abilities, and it can happen to almost anyone.”

So there you have it. It’s just that simple! He had 6 out of 20 people in a study, where he told them specifically to “contact aliens” in their dreams, actually say that met up with aliens and from these 6 random people, decided that he has proven aliens just plain don’t exist. That since we see them in dreams, that’s the only place they are. Well, how helpful! Thanks for clearing that up for us.

We should use his highly complicated and technical scientific process to test some more folks at random and get rid of that old belief in ghosts or dinosaurs that seems to linger around. I mean, despite the huge piles of evidence for them, have YOU ever hung out with said aliens, ghosts or dinosaurs? What’s that you say? “You haven’t.”? But, you have had a dream about them once? Oh, well then, problem solved, we just proved they don’t exist!






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A White Rhino calf with it's mother. Javan Rhino's are very similar in apperance but have smaller, more rounded horns.

Sadly, these beautiful creatures are never again to be seen in the country of Vietnam.

The Javan Rhino has been hunted to extinction by illegal poaching.

You hear about species being added to the Endangered Species list all the time, but when a particular animal is crossed off that list and it’s NOT because they’ve grown in number and are now safe, it’s a sad day for all of mankind.

The BBC News writes:

critically endangered species of rhino is now extinct in Vietnam, according to a report by conservation groups.

The WWF and the International Rhino Foundation said the country’s last Javan rhino was probably killed by poachers, as its horn had been cut off.

Experts said the news was not a surprise, as only one sighting had been recorded in Vietnam since 2008.

Fewer than 50 individuals are now estimated to remain in the wild.

“It is painful that despite significant investment in Vietnamese rhino conservation, efforts failed to save this unique animal, ” said WWF’s Vietnam director Tran Thi Minh Hien.

“Vietnam has lost part of its natural heritage.”

One of the few pictures of a Javan Rhino caught on a trap cam.

These animals are amazing, intelligent, and this should never be allowed to happen to anything else, ever again.

This is just so sad.  I know that the only reason we’re hearing about this particular animal is because the rhino is one of the larger mammals on Earth, and I know there are tons more creatures that disappear from that list every year that we never hear of…

….and that’s NOT ok.


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Here is Phoenix Jones, one of Seattle’s toughest, smartest and prolific real-life super heroes…

Yet, he can’t catch a break. First, he had his nose broken earlier in the year defending the city’s residents and now Seattle PD arrests him for trying, succesfully, to stop a fight.

Phoenix Jones has gained notoriety from being a comic book-style super hero badass and making friends with one, Rainn Wilson, who himself has donned a crime-fighting costume to defend the streets of his own defenseless city in 2011’s “Super”. Despite legitimately helping citizens of Seattle, Phoenix, who’s real name has been released due to this arrest, but you will not see it here for we believe in keeping his secret-identity, secret, faces many challenges outside of the criminals he battles relentlessly, like particular officer’s of Seattle PD who do not approve of Phoenix Jones’ vigilante ways.

Does this seem like the people of Seattle have an issue with this guy?

MSNBC writes:

SEATTLE — Instead of the bad guys, it was Seattle’s most prolific self-styled superhero that ended up in handcuffs.

Police officers arrested the 23-year-old man who calls himself Phoenix Jones early Sunday after he was accused of assaulting several people with pepper spray. He was booked in county jail on four counts of assault, with arraignment set for Thursday, police said Monday.

Jones, who wears a black mask with yellow stripes and a bulging muscle bodysuit, said he was only trying to stop a street brawl.

“Just because he’s dressed up in costume, it doesn’t mean he’s in special consideration or above the law. You can’t go around pepper spraying people because you think they are fighting,” said Seattle police spokesman Det. Mark Jamieson.

In capital letters, Jones wrote on his Facebook page that said he wouldn’t “ever assault or hurt another person if they were not causing harm to another human being.”

He also released a video shot during the alleged assault on his Facebook page which he said shows that he used the spray after being attacked. It could also be found at


Despite the bad rap he sometimes gets, we here at the Museum Of The Weird fully support Phoenix Jones and his gang of do-gooders!

Godspeed fellas!

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What a strange and horrifying find for a little boy! He stumbled upon a severed foot with the shoe still on it the other day while playing near his home in Canada.

CNN writes:

Authorities have found what appears to be a severed human foot this week, the 11th found in waterways in British Columbia in the past four years.

The discovery of another foot, this one still stuck in a running shoe, adds to the mystery that has confounded Canadians for years.

A boy found the foot and leg bone Tuesday near a marina in an inlet called False Creek, Vancouver Police said.

Foul play is not suspected, authorities told Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Authorities believe that because the remains did not have any evidence of trauma, the CBC reported.

The British Columbia Coroners Service has in the past said it was conducting DNA profile tests to determine the identities of the remains.

Some of the feet have been identified through DNA, but the reason they turn up where they do is still unknown in most cases, the CBC said.


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Now this is a bit creepy… writes:

Residents in a California community are scratching their heads after a mysterious tombstone appeared in front of a condominium complex, predicting an unknown man’s death.

Not unlike many other headstones honouring the dead, the grave marker reads: ‘Loving Husband Father and Physician Jeffrey Lang.’

But in a chilling twist some guess is a practical joke, Mr Lang’s year of death is inscribed as 2012.