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A screen shot from the newly uploaded video about the Provo Canyon Bigfoot.

More information and even a video has come out regarding the Provo Canyon Bigfoot video that we posted about just a few days ago. The guys over at Bigfoot Evidence interviewed the couple, and you can watch the 40 minute interview here:

One of our favorite websites to regularly check Ghost Theory writes this about it:

Bigfoot Evidence has posted an interview with the Utah couple who had the Bigfoot encounter in Provo Canyon which video appeared Here on Ghost Theory. This video contains the full story from the couple who wish to remain anonymous along with enhanced video and artists renderings of the creature based upon the video.

Thank you to Shawn from Bigfoot Evidence for permission to bring you this report.

Of course any time you enhance video or provide an artists rendering, or edit for any reason you alter the perception and in some way, no matter how small, alter the verifiable facts of the case so such alterations are always to be taken with a grain of salt. However taken with additional information of the couple’s testimony, which itself is not entirely conclusive or corroborative in this case, it still lends another layer to this story.

Read more at and tell us what you think in the comments below.

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Photo credit to Animal Planet

Has the Yeti’s existence been confirmed? writes:

DNA tests on hair found supposedly found in a Siberian may actually prove the existence of the Abominable Snowman.

Three separate DNA tests of the hair reported it “came from a human-like creature which is not a Homosapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey”.

Yeti hunters claim Yeti DNA is less than one per cent different to that of a human. But no-one has confirmed that “fact” to date, because no Yeti has ever been found or tested for DNA.

Until now. The DNA tests were carried out at universities in Moscow, St Petersburg at Idaho in the US. It is understood a fourth DNA test is also being carried out in the UK.

“We had ten samples of hair to study, and have concluded that they belong to mammal, but not a human, and not the animals known to the area where they were found, like a bear, or wolf, or goat, or any other animal,” Professor Valentin Sapunov of the Russian State Hydrometeorological Institute said.

“It was a branch of our university in St Petersburg that carried out a DNA test, and the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. The tests were performed by laboratory of electronic microscopy and laboratory of molecular genealogical classification.”

The “Yeti hair” was allegedly found in Siberia’s Azasskaya Cave by Dr Igor Birtsev, Russia’s leading advocate of the existence of the abominable snowman.


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The dark figure in the still above was thought to be a bear, until it stood up!

Some footage recently uploaded to YouTube has been found and blogged about by our buddies over at and it seems the young men in this video caught something pretty darn interesting in Provo Canyon, Utah recently.

Watch the video here

and a slowed down and enhanced version:

Ghost Theory writes:

Posted to You Tube yesterday, a couple of friends camping in Utah video what they presumed to be a bear, until it stands up. They react fairly honestly…

and run like scalded cats.

I would like to thank Tom Cantrall for the heads up on this one.

This sighting is said to have taken place in Provo Canyon Utah, which is home to park land as well as an historic railroad and Bridal Veil falls. That this is posted the day before Hallowe’en will certainly make some people suspicious, but then there is also no reason why it should not have happened on the day before any particular holiday. After all there is no evidence I have heard to suggest Bigfoot celebrates western culture holidays.

Judge for yourselves,


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John Reed has been a Bigfoot tracker since the age of 10.

A man in Pennsylvania claims to have been vandalized while camping in the woods, not from local kids causing trouble, but from Mr. Cryptid himself, Bigfoot!

ABC News writes:

A Pennsylvania man has his eye on a large, furry and elusive suspect who he accused of vandalizing his 1973 Dodge Winnebago.

John Reed, a self-described Bigfoot tracker since the age of 10, said he was camping with his girlfriend when he saw the creature walk past his motor home window.  Reed said the Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, reportedly threw rocks at his mobile home’s outside light to escape discovery.

Reed, who is the founder of the Lykens Valley Sasquatch Hunters, and his girlfriend, jumped into their truck and gave chase, making special ‘Bigfoot calls’ to locate the creature.

“As soon as I did it, something stood up on her side of the truck,” he said.  ”She seen the eyes glaring in the light of the truck, stood up and walked this way into the woods.”

This alleged sighting is the third time Reed said he has come into contact with the creature.

“Do I believe in Bigfoot? Yes I do,” he said. “Have I had sightings of what I believe to be Big Foot? Yes.”

While police believe the damage may have been caused by vandals, for Reed it was a warning from Sasquatch to get off his territory.


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Has a Dallas area photographer caught the East Texas Bigfoot on film?

Although, not much of a believer in the elusive Bigfoot himself, he truly feels he’s captured something quite rare with his own camera!

KLTV in East Texas writes:

There have been reported sightings of bigfoot in remote East Texas locations, and even near Dallas, and a photographer says he has proof that bigfoot may be closer than we think. The Dallas area photographer, who remains anonymous , was never a bigfoot believer by his own admission.

“No, I’ve never seen one , never believed in one,” he says.

But a huge stone thrown at him in the woods one camping trip, with no one else around, changed his mind.

“An object landed within ten feet of us that I know of no human being able to throw it that far. There was one about 10 foot tall. A family group drew in close, three of which got within 15 feet of me. It looked like something out of a Steven Spielberg movie, not human as I know it,” he says.

He shot images in Shelby county of something moving in the woods. Outside of Dallas he shot images of something large and hairy watching from the trees. But light and shadow can play tricks. East Texas bigfoot researcher Mike Hall and his team from Texla crypto zoological research examined the images to see if they have merit.

“Some of the shots you can actually make out what looks like a pair of eyes. There is something there staring back at him taking video. There is something there, question is, what is it?,” Hall says.

One shot looking very similar to the Roger Patterson bigfoot film of 1967. A crest or conical ridge on what appears to be the head.

“The cone looking head, in the still shot that’s very compelling, something definitely moving across the brush just observing,” says fellow researcher Larry Parks.

The photographer is keeping his identity anonymous but did say he would be releasing more video evidence in the future.


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Cryptopalooza is going to be a fantastic weekend of music, movies, cryptids and most important of all, FUN!

Hey folks, just wanted to let everyone know that we’ll be a part of a fantastic cryptozoology event called CRYPTOPALOOZA, held deep in the heart of the Piney woods of East Texas in the comfy-cozy town of Jefferson. They’ll be movie screenings from across the crypto-sphere, Q & A’s with directors, presentations, music performances by major cryptozoologists, and we, the Museum of the Weird, will even be participating with a traveling version of our collection of oddities for all who attend to be entertained and astounded! Meet the owner of the Museum himself, Steve Busti, with a possible surprise appearance by the most famous cryptid of them all! Who, or better yet, WHAT could it be? Well, you’ll just have to come on down and check it out for yourself on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October in Jefferson, Texas just off of Highway 59 near Marshall.

Click here to check out the website at for more information and tickets to this once in a lifetime event!

Mister Cryptomundo himself, Craig Woolheater, says:

Cryptopalooza has been a long time in the making, but it’s finally a reality. Over the years friends Michael Esordi, founder of Believe It Tour, and Craig Woolheater, founder of Cryptomundo, have tossed around ideas about the conference experience and how to make it even better for people. Out of those discussions the idea began to form of starting something new and unique. Michael hit on the name Cryptopalooza and things started to pick up steam when the city of Jefferson, Texas contacted Craig about doing an event in their city.

With the growing number of Bigfoot and cryptozoolgy conferences spreading across the country, it’s obvious there’s an interest in these topics and a need for events to bring people together.

You won’t want to miss this event.

Join us October 19-20, 2012, for a weekend of music, movies, speakers, cryptids, and fun!

It’s sure to be an amazing weekend of good fun, good food, and good friends!

Click here to check out the website at for more information and tickets to this once in a lifetime event!

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The Sasquatch shown above goes right over a 4ft fence.

Here’s some pretty interesting footage posted recently on YouTube. At first watch, it seems like it’s just a guy in a bad monkey costume hopping over a little fence, until you realize that the fence in question is actually over 4ft tall!

Watch the footage here:

Ghost Theory writes:

The following video was uploaded to YouTube under the title “Bigfoot Footage – Texas Fence Climber film“. I’ve never seen this video before, nor have I heard anything about it in the Bigfoot/Sasquatch circles.

The poor quality video –aren’t they all?– shows a supposed Sasquatch running through a habituation site somewhere in Texas. From the video you can see the humanoid creature running alongside the tree-line before stepping over a fence.


Leave a comment and let us know what you think!








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Artwork by Paul Smith from Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America?

Our buddies over at Cyrptomundo have got quite a find on their hands here! They have found a very interesting and unpromoted (meaning the person who posted it isn’t looking for attention) video posted on YouTube!

Check out this lucky find for yourself and let us know what you think!

Cryptomundo writes:

The image may be clicked to enlarge it. Does the Pine Ridge Bigfoot look like this one drawn by Paul Smith for the cover of my book Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America?

Reports from the Oglala Sioux Nation (Pine Ridge Reservation), South Dakota, regarding what is described as Big Man or Bigfoot have been discussed here at Cryptomundo from the beginning of this site. These have includied Pine Ridge sightings from July 28, 2006, an update for more encounters on July 29-30, 2006more from August 2006 of a Bigfoot being shootanother August 2006 sighting, reports on the 2006 police audio (here and here), the police chief confirming the 2006 sightingsmore on the 2006 “stovepipe hat” Bigfoot accounts, and a September 2006 update. Click here and here for more Oglala Sioux updates through 2009.

Yesterday, I discovered this video on YouTube that seems to have been overlooked from a few months ago. It has many features about it that look credible. Take a look.

Two 10 am Updates:

The running speed of this alleged Bigfoot compares favorably with the running alleged Bigfoot in the Memorial Day footage.

Interview items placed at YouTube. This video has flown under the radar of Sasquatch investigators, and I note the filmmaker & poster have not promoted it at all. The increase in viewer numbers is only due to its posting here at Cryptomundo at midnight on Tuesday October 9, 2012.


CommentMaker1: Why would you not walk out from behind that screen and get a better look?

VideoPoster: idk [I don’t know] It was my grandmaa taking the footage. I actually followed it a little more and saw it cross the street…


CommentMaker2: Not sure what to think, can hardly see it.

VideoPoster: Idk… It ran from the corner and my grandma saw it :/ I didnt know what to think.. It ran across the street and into the woods. It was like …8 or 7 ft… reall tall :/


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Are these two prints evidence of a Bigfoot with an offspring?

Our good friends over at Cryptomundo have pointed us in the direction of a recent photo of some supposed Bigfoot prints found on the banks of a knee-high and chilly creek.

The Faceboook user Brad Crawford posted this on the Hardcore Outdoors Fan Page:

If I hadn’t seen this myself I’d NEVER have believed it! We parked the boat on the west bank of an old slough this past Friday evening about a mile from our very secluded camp, hunted, killed the hog I posted a pic of that same night, drug

the hog out & went back to camp. That night the temperature went from 79 degrees to about 45 degrees with 40pmh gusting winds all night long, there was a man with his wife & young grandson that were camped next to us but they were fishing & I know for a FACT they never left camp that night because I was sleeping close to our boats. Saturday morning we fought the wind & waves up the cove & into the same slough from the night before, parked the boat in the same spot & there were these tracks. Whoever or whatever left these tracks waded across the slough in about knee deep water in the middle of the night in 45 degree weather in their bare feet, the tracks were very visible across the shallow water all the way up onto the bank till it hit gravel & they were gone. They were NOT 15 to 18 inches long like I’ve always heard but were about 12 to 13 inches long but the tracks were pressed deep into the mud, my buddy Shawn was with me & he is 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 385 pounds & wears a size 14 boot & he couldn’t push his foot that deep in the mud beside the tracks! Another thing about these tracks is that the right foot seems to be missing the little toe, I SWEAR I didn’t pay much attention to the little track next to it till I got it on my computer just now. I sent it to a good friend who is also one of my cameramen last late night via cell phone & he asked me about the little track & I told him it looked like the rear foot of a raccoon. Now, on the bigger computer screen it looks like a miniature version of the big track! I can’t honestly say what I think about this but here’s the pic & the real story behind it, you be the judge!

Read the post at

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Bigfoot? Deer? Chupacabra? With a photo this blurry, it could be anything.

My belief in the almighty Bigfoot is based on common sense and some words from the foremost knowledgeable person on primates and monkeys, Jane Goodall. She basically says that the chance of them existing is incredibly high with the vast amount of untouched and truly un-examined Pacific NorthWest of America that, if there was something in there and it didn’t want to be found, that wouldn’t be a problem. If you’ve ever flown over the area, it’s a vast land of nothing but tree tops and canopy for miles upon miles, upon miles.

Today’s story comes from a picture submitted by a reader of Field & Stream Magazine caught on his own trail cam usually used for tracking the wildlife in the area. This creature on the other hand seems to be anything but the usual deer or fox.

Ghost Theory writes:

Fresh off the presses over at Bigfoot Evidence, this Bushnell trail cam photo contest entry (whew!), stands widely apart from the rest. A reader from Field & Stream submitted this interesting photo of a slightly intriguing animal dashing by.

Definitely an interesting photo to say the least. At a quick glance, the stalwart creature looks bipedal and oddly shaped. At a closer inspection, the oddness becomes a bit more revealing. Take the hind legs for example. They’re shaped more like a deer’s hind quarters than the anatomy that we’ve come to accept as what a Sasquatch should have. Next, take a good look at the front appendages. Either those are deer-like hooves or this Sasquatch is suffering from the T-Rex syndrome.

Now, onto the dubiousness that is to be the creature’s head. It’s puzzling. I’m really not sure what to say about this one. I mean it seems too anatomically incorrect, against Mother Nature herself, that a creature of that size and that posture can run with its head cocked in such manner. Oh no wait, I got it. I think I see it now. This forearm-lacking Sasquatch is about to eat shit. One of those nature bloopers, which are rarely witnessed by humans, was serendipitously caught by a trail camera.

This photo rightfully deserves to win.

Read more and investigate further at