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Did a plane carrying a famed fashion designer vanish into thin air over these islands?
Did a plane carrying a famed fashion designer vanish into thin air over these islands?


Last month, a plane carrying famous fashion designer Vittorio Missoni mysteriously disappeared in mid-flight. An exhaustive search found no wreckage or debris, and to this day it remains an unsolved mystery.

The region the plane vanished in is known as a dangerous area where other disappearances have occurred.  Referred to as ‘Los Roques Curse,’ it is close to the vicinity of the infamous Bermuda Triangle. It raises new speculation as to the possible supernatural effects over that part of the ocean. Here’s more details on the story as reported by The Huffington Post:

When ships and planes mysteriously vanish — sometimes without a trace — speculation runs wild.

Many worry about the conventional — pilot error, kidnapping and terrorism come to mind. And there are those who worry about the supernatural.

Acclaimed fashion designer Vittorio Missoni and five others boarded a twin-engine BN-2 Islander aircraft in the Los Roques island chain — pictured below — near Venezuela on Jan. 4. They were headed for Caracas and had only flown about 11 miles when they vanished into thin air.

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Many people believed the end of the world would come on December 21, 2012, the date that marked the end of the Mayan calendar. That date has come and gone, and I can’t help but wonder what all the die-hard Mayan Apocalypse believers are thinking now.

There were two general ways of thinking about how this end would come: it would either be a horrific doomsday scenario that would be the end of all life as we know it, or it would mark the beginning of a new age of human enlightenment and responsibility.

One idea dwelt on the negative, the other positive.

So since the world didn’t end, where does that leave us now?

Since several days have passed and still no apocalypse in sight, I’d like to make a proposition to you, the person reading this, and to myself as well. I propose that you and I abandon all ideologies that promote fear, anger, hatred, and ridicule. Instead, let’s make a daily, conscious decision to live both our lives as positive and loving as we can be.

And how can we do this?  There are two things that we must remember and embrace with the core of our being.

My high school track coach, Mr. Tintle, instilled in me one of the basic tenets of my being that I hold to this day. That is, one must have PMA, short for Positive Mental Attitude. With a positive mental attitude, you can achieve the impossible.

My other basic tenet is I live by the Golden Rule. I try not to do anything to anyone that I wouldn’t want done to myself. It’s that simple.

Keeping a Positive Mental Attitude and following the Golden Rule.

Adopt it. Embrace it. Teach it to your kids.

And with these two tenets in mind, I’d like to make a call to action to you and myself as well. Let’s do something in the world today, right now, that will make a positive difference. I’m writing an open letter to the world, now it’s your turn. What will you do?

Want to fight global warming and climate change? Plant a tree in your backyard. Can’t stand the partisanship that has taken over politics?  Turn off the news and volunteer in your township.  Upset about kids shooting other kids? Become a Big Brother or Big Sister to a troubled child… or simply a high school track coach.

The point I’m trying to make is, no matter how big the problems of our world seem to be… no matter what the difficulties we face… even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant action we take can make all the difference in the world.


To the Mayans a Baktun was a measurement of time lasting approximately 400 years. December 21, 2012 marked the end of the 13th Baktun on the Mayan calendar, and the beginning of a new one.  Descendants of the Mayans never believed the world was going to end on that date; instead, they look at the 14th Baktun as a period of hope and change.

So as we begin another year and another Baktun, I’d like to propose not just a new year’s resolution, but a “New Baktun Resolution” we all can adopt (after all, the next one won’t be for another 400 years). Let’s take this opportunity to leave all the hatred, negativity and baggage the human race has been carrying around with us for all the millennia we’ve walked this great earth and leave it in the past. Let’s take control of our destiny and stop living in fear. Let us start the new Bakun as a loving, more mature, and enlightened human race.

Not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new one.

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The folks over at have pulled together a fantastic review of our past presidents and their relationship/ knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Ghost Theory writes:

E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, One is what it says on the Seal of the President of the United States of America. Traditionally the phrase is meant to express that out of the many colonies that formed the nascent new country a single nation was born. In a more modern context it could be interpreted equally to mean that out of many cultures and beliefs the people who form a nation are derived. In the context of this article it could also be said that out of many in power there is one we presume to have answers. Even out of many who have held the office, the one currently in office should be in possession of the answers so many of us would like to hear. The question is; What do we really know about UFOs?

There have been a number of US Presidents who have addressed the UFO issue and it makes you wonder. Twelve Presidents have held office in what we will call the UFO Age, that period of time during which UFOs have been both figuratively and literally on the radar of the population of the Earth. During that time the United States has evolved from a partner to other nations in attaining peace from threats, to a parent scolding others for threatening actions and seemingly falling back again to a partner who must work with others in place of imposing rules upon them. Still the question of whether or not there is a larger threat, or greater parent hangs over our heads. Yet whenever a question faces the world at large there are few if any who do not turn to the United States for their knowledge, their influence, their protection, or for someone to blame soIF there are UFO secrets to be had, and there almost certainly are whether they be to prove or disprove, it seems likely those secrets reside within the borders of the United States at the very least.

Which brings us back to asking “What does the President know?” It is a facet of short term thinking to believe that the office of President gives some sort of ultimate power when it comes to running the government, when in truth it is a temporary posting lasting just four to eight years, at least during the time frame of the UFO Age, while those who keep the wheels turning, or I guess put on the brakes in some regards, have longer careers that are not dependant upon current office holders. If there is a secret to be kept, a secret that has implications far beyond the immediate state of affairs of any nation who do you tell? If you are one of the secret keepers a person who has a short term agenda would not be on that list. So far several Presidents have announced an intent to learn the truth of the UFO phenomenon, but none have done carried out that intent, at least so far as to inform the public.

Let’s start at the beginning.
Two events mark the start of the UFO Age; those being the Kenneth Arnold sighting at Mt Ranier on June 24th 1947, and the Roswell crash(s) of July 1947. Harry Truman as Vice_President to Franklin Roosevelt assumed office in April of 1945, following the death of Roosevelt, and so became the first US President to be faced with the real potential of contact with beings from another world here on Earth…


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UFO outside airplane window
UFO outside airplane window

Whenever I fly, if I’m not trying to get shut-eye I usually stare out the airplane window and let my imagination take over. I start scanning the skies to see if I find anything “unusual” and hope for the rare chance to witness a UFO. Well, it looks like for one man, staring out the airplane window may have actually paid off with some amazingly detailed footage of an Unidentified Flying Object.

Check out this cool video posted by Mauricio Ruiz, who was flying on a SouthWest Airlines flight from LaGuardia to Houston when he captured this footage. He submitted the video to the FAA and is awaiting a response.

What do you think? Could this be a reflection from inside the cabin?  A light from somewhere on the plane itself?  As Mr. Ruiz wisely comments in the video description, “Be skeptic my friends, but stay focused.”


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Screen shot 2012-12-27 at 11.43.47 AM
What is this thing able to be seen from the window of an airplane? At least it’s not on the wing. Screenshot credit to YouTube user Mauricio Ruiz

A recent video posted on YouTube recently by Mauricio Ruiz has caused quite a stir recently. As you can see in the video yourself, the UFO/whatever it is outside this guys plane window is definitely there and is not a reflection from something inside the cabin, which he even thought was the case for a moment. Take a look at the footage below and let us know what you think in the comments at the bottom of the page.

Ghost Theory writes:

According to the YouTube account of Mauricio Ruiz, the following footage was shot from the window of a SouthWest Airlines flight from La Guardia airport to Houston, Texas.
Ruiz goes on to say that he has submitted the video to FAA officials and is waiting further review from them.

The video shows an object outside the cabin of the airplane. The object does not appear to be a reflection of anything from inside. It does not look like a reflection of light on the window, especially not when the camera zooms in and we can see details on the supposed craft.

From Ruiz’s YouTube:
“The actual footage in its original content was sent to the FAA for further review. UFOlogist and investigators please be patient. Let FAA do their review in fairness to all. Thanks.”


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What is this figure highlighted on the left? Photo credit to and YouTube user Matt Stansberry.

Back in 2010 a very interesting video was posted by Youtube user Matt Stansberry. Now, what he thought he was uploading was just a some footage of him and some buddies rafting a river in Oregon but, upon further inspection realized he got a little, or should I say a BIG, something extra! I can’t seem to find any updates to this story so, if you have any info, leave it in the comments below.

You can watch the video here:

BIGFOOT Lunch Club writes:

On August 30th 2010, posted a video that was filmed nearly two years ago during a fishing trip on Oregon’s McKenzie river.

Preview of the post here:

“This YouTube video shot in 2008 briefly shows what may be a sasquatch in central Oregon, on the McKenzie River. At this stage it is just a “figure of interest”. A dark, long-armed figure stood up and walked away from the edge of the river as the two whitewater row boats passed by. The cameraman was shooting a YouTube installment for a fly fisherman’s blog site.

Oregon bigfoot investigator Cliff Barackman will find out the technical details from the cameraman, and ask him to submit a full report to the BFRO’s database. That has not happened yet, so we don’t know all the details at this point.”

In our minds it seems very little to go on, but when we saw Cliff Barackman was to investigate, it peaked our interest. The video below is cued 5 secs before the the appearance of the dark figure.


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So, as we all expected, everyone woke up from their slumber this morning. Some are safe and sound in warm beds and some are getting ready for another day at work. Both, are not worried about the world coming to it’s end… at least not yet.

So, when will the world really end. Like, reeaaallly end. Luckily for us lamen, there’s the fine folks of Discovery News to bring us the actual science behind answering these types of questions. Read on to see what they have to say and be comforted that, barring human error, the Mother Earth has many, many, maaany more years ahead of her, far beyond what we could ever hope to see.

Discovery News writes:

Content provided by Amanda Doyle, Astrobiology Magazine

Billions of years from now, life on Earth will be extinguished when the dying sun scorches the surface of our planet. New research has aimed to determine what the last life forms on Earth will be, and what kind of abodes they will cling to before the Earth becomes sterilized.

We are fortunate that our planet orbits a star that has a long main-sequence lifetime. However, the sun’s luminosity is gradually increasing, and in about one billion years the effects of this will start to be felt on Earth.

Surface temperatures will start to creep relentlessly upwards over the next few billion years, which will increase the amount of water vapor in the air. This will act to further increase temperatures and will thus signify the beginning of the end for life on Earth.

The rising temperatures will cause excessive amounts of rain and wind, and thus increase the weathering of silicate rocks, which will suck extra carbon from the atmosphere. (Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth)

Ordinarily, the carbon is replaced via plate tectonics in the carbon-silicate cycle as it is released in volcanic gases. However, the oceans will start to evaporate as the temperatures continue to rise, which will probably put a stop to plate tectonics as scientists believe that water is an essential lubricant for the motion of tectonic plates on Earth. This will deplete the number of active volcanoes, and the carbon will not be replenished in the atmosphere.

The lack of carbon dioxide will effectively choke plant life on Earth, since plants require atmospheric CO2 for their respiration. The death of oxygen-producing plants will in turn lead to less oxygen in the atmosphere over a few million years. This will spell disaster for the remaining animal life on Earth, with mammals and birds being the first to become extinct. Fish, amphibians and reptiles would survive a little longer, as they need less oxygen and have a greater tolerance to heat.

The last type of animal present on the far-future Earth would likely be invertebrates. Once the insects finally succumb to the increasing temperatures, the Earth will once again be solely populated by microbial life, just as it had been for the first few billion years of our planet’s history. The last lingering life will desperately seek out niches of the planet that are still habitable, but  even extremophile forms of life will find this to be a challenge.


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An Evening of Christmas Ghost Stories lo-res-1

Friday, December 21th, 2012 @8:00pm

The Museum of the Weird presents its 2nd Annual:

An Evening of Christmas Ghost Stories
with your host Richard Whittaker

Come warm your bones with some hot chocolate as we gather for an age-old Christmas tradition– listening to spooky tales of days of yore! Featuring two terrifying tales by British master of the macabre, M.R. James, as read by resident Englishman Richard Whittaker.

The event is $5 and hot cocoa will be served.  Seating is extremely limited, so we recommend buying your tickets now!

You can order your tickets online now at or, call the Lucky Lizard Curios & Gifts shop @ (512) 476-5493 to reserve your seats early.

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The fine folks over at Daily Mail Online have collected a fantastic set of extraordinarily creepy photos from cemeteries, abandoned houses, in the woods, and even a few normal photos that were taken during the daytime, all with an unexpected guest!

The Daily mail writes:

These are the things that go bump in the night.

From murdered slaves to tortured hospital patients to forgotten sailors, ghost stories will send a shiver down most people’s spines.

But this collection of images will call into question everything you think you know about the spirit world… and how easy it may be to cross back over from the ‘other side’.

Paranormal investigators have spent decades painstakingly researching each photograph, debunking some and failing to disprove others.


Take the tale of the white lady of the Philippines.

Locals of Quezon City steer clear of Balete Drive at night as they say that a woman in white with long black tresses, face covered in blood, stands in the centre of the road, staring at oncoming vehicles.

Drivers try to avoid the street at all costs – but if they must pass, they pack their backseat with passengers because if there is one empty seat, an uninvited guest just might take it. In photographs,  she appears as a bright, white light in the road, legs barely visible.


Or consider the story of Chloe the inquisitive slave.

Chloe lived at the house of Myrtle’s Plantation in St Francisville, Louisiana. She would often listen in on conversations she wasn’t supposed to, snooping in on her master’s private talks.

One afternoon, Chloe was caught. According to legend, her master cut off her ear as punishment.

For revenge, Chloe baked a cake out of oleander leaves, which are poisonous. She wanted her cruel master to taste it, but his wife and daughters beat him to it.

She fled the house, but was lynched by her fellow slaves. She still haunts the plantation to this day, listening in on the conversations of its visitors. Chloe can sometimes be seen hiding behind the doors, columns, or bushes on the residence.

But not all ghosts have been scorned.


An Australian woman named Mrs Andrews was visiting the grave of her daughter in a cemetery in Queensland, in the 1940s when she took a photo.  Her daughter Joyce had died the year before at the age of 17. She was shocked to find a child in the photo that she did not recognise sitting on top of the grave.

Australian paranormal researcher Tony Healy visited the cemetery in the late 1990s to find out what had happened. He found that near Joyce’s grave, two infant girls were buried.

Read more and check out all the spooky specters caught on film over at

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The skeletons were found in a cemetery near Onavas, South Sonora.
The skeletons were found in a cemetery near Onavas, South Sonora.

Now these things look crazy! This is absolutely fascinating!

Full bodied skeletons were found in a cemetery of southern Mexico with severely elongated skulls.

The ultimate question of course, is why? What prompted them to do this?

Did they do it of their own accord or, were they possibly emulating someone, or something, else?

The Huffington Post writes:

Excavation of an ancient burial site in South Sonora, Mexico, has revealed a series of skeletons with intentionally deformed skulls.

Of the 25 sets of human remains found close to the Mexican village of Onavas, 13 had deformed craniums and five had evidence of dental mutilation.

According to Past Horizons, misshapen skulls have not been recorded before in the Sonora cultural groups, although they are documented among Mesoamerican peoples.

Some of the skeletons, believed to be 1,000 years old, wore nose rings, bangles, earrings,  by Savings Sidekick” href=””>necklaces and pendants made from shells found in the Gulf of California.

One was found with a turtle shell laid over its abdomen.

Archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno said: “This unique find shows a mix of traditions from different groups of northern Mexico.

“The use of ornaments made from sea shells from the Gulf of California had never been found before in Sonoran territory and this discovery extends the limit of influence of Mesoamerican peoples farther north than has been previously recorded.”

Moreno is director of the research project, which is being carried out on behalf ofArizona State University , with the approval of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

She added: “Cranial deformation in Mesoamerican cultures was used to differentiate one social group from another and for ritual purposes, while the dental mutilation in cultures such as the Nayarit was seen as a rite of passage into adolescence.”

Elongated skulls have previously been misinterpreted as being of extra-terrestrial origin.

The process of elongating a skull usually begins in childhood with a process called “cradle-boarding”.

Ryan Matthews of Science Channel series Oddities told HuffPost Weird: “They would put two boards around the head and wrap it very securely.

“Because the head of a child is very soft, it can be manipulated forward, but the process would take several months.”