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Pictured above is an animatronic Yeti, built and used for a commerical. Sadly, it's the closest thing to a real one there is.


Ouch, that was a sad attempt at a joke, but guess what…

…that happened and I’m leaving it.

So, apparently there is some big news waiting to come out of Russia about the existence of the fabled “Snow Men”, or Yeti. The Russian bigfoot has been in dispute for many, many years and doesn’t seem likely to be settled anytime soon. Unless we’re about to get a huge smack in the face with some evidence, which would be a nice change from the annoying prodding of maybe, maybe nots we know all to well, but where is this evidence? The same question we all ask of anyone claiming to have “proof” of anything.

Until we see something that blows our minds and the cap off cryptozoology, we’ll wait by the screen, repeatedly hitting refresh until that day comes.

The Telegraph writes:

The Russian coal-mining region of Kemerovo said in a statement on its website that footprints and possibly even hair samples belonging to the yeti were found on the research trip to its remote mountains.

“During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the ‘Snow Man’,” the Kemerovo region administration said.

The expedition was organised after Kemerovo’s governor invited researchers from the United States, Canada, and several other countries to share their research and stories of encounters with the creature at a conference.

“They found his footprints, his supposed bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory,” the statement said. The collected “artifacts” will be analysed in a special laboratory, it said.


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Now this is news! We finally got ourselves a Bigfoot!

…well, on some decent quality film at least!

Here are a number of high-res photos taken in Russia just weeks ago. These are some the newest and best “Bigfoot” photos around. Have a look!

Here is the link to the original story and photos but, it’s in Russian, so use Google Translate if needed to help read it.

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This video was posted on YouTube just a few days ago by user “.”  While the shots of the creature are fleeting, it is definitely better than most “Blobsquatch” videos out there.

Here’s what the user posted on his video:

Thanks for the comments that have been received. I do have several more shots of what we saw. Unedited. I’m just not sure that ‘Youtube’ is the proper platform to release them. I am working with a friend of mine who knows more about this stuff than I do. He has advised me to keep the rest of the material unreleased until i have proper counsel. These images were simply a quick snap shots or some of the highlights of the captured images. The entire film will be made public once I have been advised.

Last week in the mountains of Utah. We were target shooting after a long day of fishing. We scared something from the trees. We had two separate cameras running as we were shooting…. None of us slept very well for the next couple of nights. We found some sort or ‘hut’ about 100 yards from our camp and tried not to disturb anything. None of us are believers or can truly explain what we saw. But, we saw something.

Whatever it is, it looks massive!  I don’t think I’d be spending another night in the woods after an encounter like this, how about you?


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Check this out! I’ve got a feeling we’re going to have a bigfoot body turn up anytime now. Sightings are happening more often than ever and with modern technology, it’s just a matter of time until one turns up!

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Heard of “Lizard Man” yet? If not, that may soon change. Because the new mystery creature is stalking car fenders in rural South Carolina in the dead of night. That’s a diet Bigfoot never went for in his pursuit of wild berries and always making sure he was just out of camera range. There’s nothing like eating the clunker in the front yard for pushing you up to the top of the Cryptid sighting list.

According to local channel 19 in Lee County, SC, the legendary lizard creature made a return after a 23-year hiatus, and he’s up to his old tricks.

Witnesses on a rural road in the county are saying they heard a strange noise on the morning of July 4th and went outside to investigate.

That’s when they discovered the front bumper of their car had been chewed and clawed in a way no normal creature of the woods could manage. Police veterans realized they’d heard this story before.

“This part here is how it all started in 1988,” explained former Lee County Sheriff Liston Truesdale. “We got a call to come and look at something that had mauled a car. I went out there and looked at that damaged car, and I haven’t seen anything like that before.”

Then reports of a lizard-like creature in the area started coming in. Only this terrifying animal was 7-feet tall, with red eyes and three claw-like fingers on each hand. With an appetite for chrome… just like the old days.

So the hunt is on, pushing Bigfoot off the front pages. But he hasn’t been seen in a while anyway.

Maybe Lizard man ate his car?




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Well, I just finished watching the live broadcast of the press conference today revealing the supposed Bigfoot evidence found by Sanger Paranormal, and I’ve got to say I was less than impressed.

Here are the photos they released today. They are said to show the face and hand/knuckle prints of a Bigfoot that supposedly was peering into the windows of one of the investigators’ vehicles.

What do you think?  Bigfoot? Or bear?






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A couple of days ago Jeffrey Gonzalez, founder of Sanger Paranormal, put out the following press release :

For Immediate Release

*********** MEDIA ADVISORY**********

Potentially the Most Convincing Evidence of Bigfoot Since the Patterson Film of 1967

We have an full upper body impression including half of its face On the passenger side window of a pickup truck

And on the drivers side window, the Nostrils, Nose and Lips of a Bigfoot

Who: World Media – Please RSVP to
We will contact you to confirm your attendance

What: No, it’s not a Bigfoot in a Freezer and we are not affiliated with those guys in any way. This evidence was captured during an expedition in the High
Sierra’s of California during the Memorial Day weekend of 2011. There were a total of 5 people in attendance who made the discovery. Three of those people

1. Is an award winning High School Principal with a Masters Degree, Formerly a Science Teacher and a former investigator for

2. Correctional Officer for 19 years and is Employed at a prison in California. Was featured on a Episode of Monster Quest titled” the Sierra Sasquatch”.

3. Is a Employe at AT&T Telephone. Associates Degree in Electronics. Founder of the

Also, a 14 year Forensic Specialist who is friends with 2 of the people mentioned above was called out to come and take photos and swab For DNA……

This location where the evidence was captured is known for heavy Bigfoot activity And has been regularly visited by the investigators mentioned above.

When: June 23, 2011 at 4:00 pm (Pacific)

Where: Piccadilly Inn, Banquet Hall
5115 E. McKinley Ave
Fresno, Calif. 93727
559-251-6000 fax-559-251-6956
Directly across from Fresno Yosemite International Airport


Today Loren Coleman of posted the alleged photo on the site (Coleman received the image from one of his readers, Rick Sheen, who had saved the photo from Sanger’s own website, where it appeared briefly before being removed from the site). Here it is:



Now apparently the main stream media has picked up on the story as well. Responding to Loren Coleman’s lead on the story, here’s what Lee Spiegel of AOL News reported:

California Bigfoot investigators were shocked over Memorial Day weekend when they found strange markings and hair on their pickup truck windows.

Now, they’re hoping DNA tests will prove once and for all the existence of the legendary man-beast.

“On the passenger side window, when I first saw it, I almost threw up,” said Jeffrey Gonzalez, an AT&T electronics technician and founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society.

Gonzalez and several others were in California’s Sierra National Forest searching for evidence to confirm the reality of the creature. When it started to snow at their campsite, they were forced to leave two of their vehicles behind.

“Two days later, we came back to pick up our vehicles and that’s when we found the impressions,” Gonzalez told AOL Weird News, recalling what he and his companions noticed on the passenger window.

“Apparently, the creature was looking in the window and left behind dirt and oil on it, leaving such an awesome picture, you can see the nose, the eye, the hair all over the face and the shoulders — it’s creepy, and it’s not a bear.”

Gonzalez and his friends — including a former science teacher and a correctional officer — also found a 12-inch footprint at the site. They concluded their hairy intruder wasn’t a bear because none of the four ice chests that were filled with food on the back of Gonzalez’s truck had been touched.

But it wasn’t just the passenger side window that presented a surprise — the driver’s side of the truck showed the imprint of a much larger creature, strongly suggesting there were two unexplained visitors to the campsite.

“An impression was left of a nose, eyes and lips, but they were extremely large,” Gonzalez said. “The lips measured about 6 inches long. You can see that the whole face was full of hair, so when it leaned up against the window, you can see the depth of the eye socket in the glass.

“I’ve shown people — non-believers — this photograph and this totally freaked them out.”

After Gonzalez returned home that day, he called a forensic expert to take DNA samples of the fur or hair that was left around the window impressions.


Read more:


So what do our readers think?  Is the the first decent look the world has of the face of Bigfoot?  Please feel free to share your opinions below.

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Wow, two great Bigfoot videos in the same week!  First the Ketchikan, Alaska video and now this new one from the Spokane River area.

Here’s the clip, originally posted by YouTube user samantha13950 with the following description:

While hiking, we accidentally caught an image of bigfoot walking through the woods. I didn’t even notice until I got home and saw it on the computer! This scared the crap out of us!




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Still frame from bigfoot video, Ketchikan, AK

This YouTube video was uploaded on May 10, 2011. While the creature appears very briefly (less than a second), it is somewhat clearer than the typical “blobsquatch” videos out there.  That, combined with the cameraman’s apparent genuine fear and excitement reflected in his voice, makes this video worth taking a closer look.

Here’s what the original post by YouTube user putua76 had to say about the clip:

I was on a logging road in Ketchikan hiking with my friend when I saw it! Boy did my heart start racing!! It was about 40 yards from the road! Not sure if it knew I was there or not, because the noise of flowing water from the stream. It seemed to travel fast! It made my hair stand up!! At one point you can see a whitish yellowish thing in it’s hand! I believe it was skunk cabbage. Not sure, but it is in bloom.
You see it jump and after that point it just seems to disappear. There was a lot of brush and trees between it and I, I could not tell where it had gone. It was a scary sort of exciting feeling at the same time!! We went to search for tracks but the river bed where we thought it was walking was full of perfect skiping rocks, we found no prints! If there is a BigFoot, Sasquatch, or Kushtaka I swear I saw him!!



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This just in this morning from Craig Woolheater over at

Last night on Steve Kulls’ Blogtalkradio show, Squatchdetective Radio, Kulls publicly unveiled the following photo:


Vermont Trailcam Bigfoot & Baby



It appears to show a large hairy creature bending over, and what looks like a small hand or paw clinging to the fur of the larger creature, possibly a baby.


Vermont Trail Cam Bigfoot


Here are a couple of comparison photos showing the massive size of the creature compared to a human and a coyote that were both photographed from the same trailcam at the location.



The trailcam had been set up by a man who wanted to see what was eating all the apples off his tree.  You can see several apples on the ground in the above photos (perhaps that is why this creature is bending over, to gather them).

You can read the full investigation here:

What do you think?  Is it a sasquatch? A hoax?  Could it be something else?

