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Go see a special event at the Alamo Ritz, get a friend in free to the museum

Are you going to the Alamo Drafthouse to see a Music Monday, Terror Tuesday, or Weird Wednesday event? You should get down to 6th an hour or so early and take advantage of a special deal at Museum of the Weird.

It’s like this: go pick up your tickets from the Alamo for one of those special movie nights and if you bring them to the Museum (same day only), and you buy a ticket to the Museum tour, you can bring one friend with you on the tour for free! Spread the word!


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Harvard discovers that one of their books is bound in human skin

It probably speaks volumes (Ha! Get it?) about one whether your reaction to this is EEEEWWWW or COOL! We decline to say what our reaction was.

Experts at Harvard University have tested a 19th century volume in their library, “Des Destinees de L’Ame” and discovered that it is indeed bound with human skin tanned with sumac. The book, according to its author as “a meditation on the soul and life after death” was bound by a friend of the writer, a doctor, who bound the book “with skin from the unclaimed body of a female mental patient”. Although an earlier claim by the college newspaper claimed at least three books in their collection had this frightening fastening, the library claims after testing the books in question, this is the only one so bound. I guess if you’re still hunting for that copy of the Necronomicon, you might want to move onto Yale.


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Here’s the brilliant new viral promotional video for the upcoming film, Devil’s Due.  It’s the latest in the wave of “prankvertising,” where unsuspecting people are filmed as the victims of a prank in order to promote a brand, product, or in this case, a horror movie about the birth of the Antichrist.

Still, it’s pretty funny stuff. Enjoy! (and watch out for those abandoned strollers…)

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This news just in from Russia Today:

A group of Scandinavian boffins have gathered enough money through crowdfunding to try and bridge the gap between animals and humans by producing a gadget that can translate what a dog is thinking into plain English.

They claim that a new invention from Sweden, No More Woof, will be able to translate a dog’s thoughts into words.

A headset will be strapped to the animal’s head. The device will read EEG signals from the dog’s brain and software will then attempt to translate those thoughts into English.

Sounds exciting, but I think most dog owners probably already know what their dogs are thinking, as one commenter points out:

I already know what my dog(s) will say on this device: “MINE!”, GIMMEE!! GIMMEE!!”, “NO!”, “OUT!”, “IN”, I WANT IT!” “COOKIE!” “SCRATCH”, “INCOMING!!” and “MORE!”… .lol…that should be simple enough to translate in ANY language.



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VIDEO: “Toupee” bursts into thousands of spiders


How would you feel if, thinking you’re poking at a discarded toupee, it suddenly bursts into a creeping, crawling mass of thousands of spiders?

That’s exactly what happened to one man as he got the surprise of his life doing just that. Here’s a clip of the video that is quickly going viral:

Can you say “Arachnophobia”?