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What was this flying high over the skies of Denver?

Footage recently released to the Denver local news has gone viral and is causing quite a stir in, not only the UFO community but, the world at large.

Watch the footage over at and tell us what you think. One of our favorites sites, weighs in:

Well GTers, it looks as though this is the day of the UFO. As much as I wanted to bring you something interesting from other sources, UFO’s seem to be the hot topic of discussion. Especially with the following story out of Denver.

This is a video I’ve seen yesterday, but I allowed it to simmer for 24 hours to see where it would go and it seems the word is “viral”.

If you want to read some way out theories on this incident, take a jaunt to Facebook where I’m sure you’ll be entertained.

This footage has made the rounds from Facebook to Twitter and was discussed on Coast To Coast last night.

Many are calling it nothing more than insects close to the camera, but others including “Steve Cowell” in the above quoted story aren’t convinced. In fact Cowell says point blank: “the objects are not insects.”

Tell me, how is it that an he could be so certain? Sure, he may be an aviation expert, but he’s not in any video production related business. Yet he seems to know everything that these objects are not. Could it be that Steve is merely saying what he thinks people want to hear? Nothing against him personally, but we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t question these things.

I have to admit, my first, second and third inclination was insects. I’m having a hard time seeing it as anything else. Could I be mistaken? Of course.

The only thing I can do is offer it up for debate.

Thanks to Denver’s FOX 31 and Facebook for this content.


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Florida has plenty of natural resources for wildlife to thrive but.

A man named Tim Fasano has released footage of what he says is the best video evidence of Florida’s legendary Skunk Ape. Apparently though, this man has quite a reputation in the crypto-community already. Interesting…

Watch the video below and see what you can see:

Ghost Theory writes:

If you are unaware of who Tim Fasano is, let me fill you in. Tim is a controversial figure in the world of Bigfoot. However Tim is more interested in the cousin of Sasquatch, namely the Florida Skunk Ape.

Tim has been roaming the Florida everglades for many years in search of this elusive biped, which he is convinced exists.

He has several websites and he puts out videos with the best of them. You have to hand it to him, as he takes video footage at least once a month. If anyone deserves to find a Skunk Ape, it’s Tim.

Unless you’ve been too busy with the big election, you’d know by now that Spike TV is offering 10 million dollars to whoever gets irrefutable evidence of Bigfoot. That’s a lot of samolians!

This challenge apparently is no challenge to Tim as he believes he might already have the evidence. The video below is taken from a recent outing of Tim’s in the glades. I’ve lived in South Florida, so I’m allowed to use the abbreviation, “glades”, plus it sounds cooler! No? Ehh, what do you know?

Getting back to the video, Tim claims to have caught the Skunk Ape rising up behind some saw palmetto…

Here’s some commentary from Tim himself:

“I was about 300 yards from camp when I saw movement and took this video. At 4:09 you will see something peek up over the palmettos. When I pan back its in the open and tries to hide. I zoom so you can see. It was far away. I saw movement but did not know I had this capture until later. More vids of the expedition are at”

I’m not so sure I see a Skunk Ape here, but you have to give Tim props, at least he’s out there looking and who knows, he may one day prove the subject of his quest. For now, I think the $10,000,000.00 is safe, but I wish Tim all the luck in the world.

I can’t say that Tim and I have been on the best of terms, but we have gotten along. I’ve covered a couple news items related to him and I do check in with his sites and videos from time to time. After all, if nothing else, he is entertaining.

Hey GTers, you guys are welcome to chime in with your thoughts. What do you think?

Thanks to Tim Fasano for providing the content of this article as well as Spike TV.


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The Monsters of Universal Studios

We all know, love, and have our favorite of the classic monsters from our childhood but, what was the original inspiration for these creepy creatures of the shadows? A new book being published called “Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters” delves into what fears and real dangers the people of the time were living with that would have created them. From disease to war, times have most certainly been tough in the past and everyone had plenty to worry about.

Reuters reports:

Nov 8 (Reuters) – The suave and sensitive Edward Cullen of “Twilight” may be the norm for vampires these days, but fictional monsters such as Dracula originally sprang from the fear of inexplicable diseases and the mysteries of death in the natural world.

So argues science journalist Matt Kaplan in “Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters,” an examination of monsters around the world and throughout history – the science behind their origins, and why they matter to us even now.

“When our kids ask for monster stories around the campfire, they are behaving in a way that is not dissimilar to lion cubs,” Kaplan said in an email.

“Lion cubs play fight so they can test out their skills in a safe place where nobody is going to get maimed or killed. Monster stories serve a similar purpose, they allow us to face our worst fears without the risks that are normally associated with them.”

Some are simple. The Kraken tales of mammoth monster squid, along with the Leviathan of the Bible, are most likely based upon the existence of real creatures such as whales.

The terrifying Medusa of Greek myths, with her hair made of snakes and a gaze that could turn things to stone, may have been distantly connected to the idea of fossils for ancient people, with the snakes in her hair an example of pure fear.

Though mentions of vampire-like creatures exist as early as ancient Greece, it took hundreds of years for tales of the creatures to gradually evolve into the haunting undead of more recent history.

Accounts of people found in their graves with blood on their lips and their stomachs seemingly full, as if they had just eaten, may be explained by simple decay, with gas buildup throughout the body sometimes pushing blood up from the lungs. Elongated canine teeth and fingernails was due to skin shrinking after death and pulling away, making both more prominent.

Later, greater awareness of contagious diseases such as influenza and tuberculosis – which could cause people who came in contact with the ill person to also sicken and die – further contributed to the myth. This was especially true due to incubation periods that weren’t understood at the time, making it unclear how the diseases were being spread.

“One death would follow another in a dominolike progression,” writes Kaplan. “In a morbid sense, these patients were literally killing their friends and relatives, but from their deathbeds rather than the hereafter.”

But vampires have now undergone a radical transformation, a process that began with the publication of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” but has speeded up in recent years.

“If tuberculosis, influenza, rabies and bloated bodies are the human experiences from which Dracula came, how have we now ended up with the kind, honorable and handsome Edward Cullen?” Kaplan said.


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Hundreds of UFOs have been seen along the border of India & China recently.

Looks like there’s quite a bit of aerial activity coming from the other side of the world right now.

The border of India and China has had reports of over 100 UFO sightings this year and lights that are visible for hours. The Indian military has attempted to use radar to identify them and even sent in drones to make contact, all to no avail.

The Columbus Dispatch writes:

NEW DELHI — Adding to the litany of issues besetting neighboring nuclear rivals China and India is a new one: UFOs.

“Over 100 UFOs seen along China border,” said a headline in Tuesday’sTimes of India.

Indian troops guarding the often-tense 2,100-mile border between the two Asian giants say the objects seen in recent months are yellow spheres that appear to lift off from the Chinese side, slowly traversing the sky for three to five hours before disappearing. Indian military officials have reportedly ruled out Chinese drones or low-orbit satellites.

The acronym-happy Times of India says the UFO sightings have stumped the DRDO, NTRO, ITBP and other Indian military organizations. Some Indian news organizations have dubbed the objects ULOs, or unidentified luminous objects, given the glow they reportedly give off.

In September, the Indian army reportedly deployed a mobile ground-based radar unit and a spectrum analyzer to assess what was dancing around up there. As the troops watched the light show, however, the machines picked up zilch, according to India Today magazine, suggesting that the UFOs were non-metallic.

The army reportedly aimed one of its drones in a UFO’s direction, but the object disappeared. Astronomers were also called in. According to local media, they saw some of the same unexplained objects but gave up after three days, concluding that they were “non-celestial.” Indian border troops report nearly 100 sightings over the past three months.


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Although, not the most uncommon deformity involved with excess breeding of animals, the owner of this goat has been doing it for over 10 years and has never had this happen.

Ghost Theory writes:

News out of India is that the Coimbatore VOC Park Zoo is home to a rare one eyed goat.

The goat, named Lefty because it is left handed, was born in Perundurai, Erode, India and at the time of the below photo, looks to be about who knows old. Oh, I made that part up regarding the name. Actually the goat could have any number of names. In fact, I think I’ll run a contest! Yea, the “Name The Cyclops Goat Contest”. The winner will be given an all expenses paid trip to India’s drinking water purification plant. Of course, that could be a filthy lie as well.

I could throw a lot of biology and genetic stuff in at this point, but does anyone really want to read it? No, you just want another picture of this poor unfortunate cow, uh, I mean goat.

The goat’s owner, Kandasamy, claims that in his 10 years of breeding goats, this is his first cyclops. This is obviously a genetic disorder as the goats mother had another calf who came out with the standard two eyed configuration.

Lefty, err, I mean no name does look like he could use a meal or two. Then again, maybe they are starving it in hopes that the eye will shrink and split. OK, eye can see my jokes are starting to go south, so I’ll end it here…no, here… is a much better place….speaking of here, does anyone else hear those voices in my head?

Thanks to our good friends at Weird Asia News for bringing us…*cough*…weird Asian news.


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Hard to rise from the dead when there's a few stakes in your heart!

A new report details a finding from the 1950s that send chills down my spine.

A skeleton was discovered in Southwell, Notts in the UK with a number of stakes through various parts of it’s body. Apparently, administered post-mordem, they were to keep this criminal/deviant from rising from the grave as an undead to feast on the life force of the living!

The Telegraph writes:

The discovery of a skeleton found with metal spikes through its shoulders, heart and ankles, dating from 550-700AD and buried in the ancient minster town of Southwell, Notts, is detailed in a new report.

It is believed to be a ‘deviant burial’, where people considered the ‘dangerous dead’, such as vampires, were interred to prevent them rising from their graves to plague the living.

In reality, victims of this treatment were social outcasts who scared others because of their unusual behaviour. Only a handful of such burials have been unearthed in the UK.

The discovery is detailed in a new report by Matthew Beresford, of Southwell Archaeology.

The skeleton was found by archaeologist Charles Daniels during the original investigation of the site in Church Street in the town 1959, which revealed Roman remains.

Mr Beresford said when Mr Daniels found the skeleton one of the first things he did was to check for fangs in a light-hearted way.

“In the 1950s the Hammer Horror films were popular and so people had seen Christopher Lee’s Dracula so it would have been quite relevant,” said Mr Beresford.

In his report, Mr Beresford says: “The classic portrayal of the dangerous dead (more commonly known today as a vampire) is an undead corpse arising from the grave and all the accounts from this period reflect this.

“Throughout the Anglo-Saxon period the punishment of being buried in water-logged ground, face down, decapitated, staked or otherwise was reserved for thieves, murderers or traitors or later for those deviants who did not conform to societies rules: adulterers, disrupters of the peace, the unpious or oath breaker.

“Which of these the Southwell deviant was we will never know.”


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Georgia has it's own tribute to the legend of the Mothman.

Has the Mothman of legend returned to Georgia? Read the story and subsequent email message to Phantoms & Monsters below and see what possible explanations you can come up with in the comments below.

Ghost Theory writes:

It’s been many years since the Silver bridge collapsed, claiming 46 lives during a busy Friday evening rush hour. It is said that an omen to the incident appeared in the form of an odd looking creature later named Mothman by an Ohio copy editor who had a fascination with the old Batman TV series with a similar looking villain.

As time passed I developed a fascination with the monster of Point Pleasant. I spent more time than you can imagine researching the subject over the years, but the stories and sightings were few and far between. In fact, incidents involving the winged creature with no head have become downright rare.

I often wondered why a fairly famous entity would be so lacking in coverage? Similar beasts such as Bigfoot are still going strong. Even Chupacabra gets more play than the Mothman and in my mind, that defies logic. You’d think there would at least be a steady stream of hoaxes for such an eerie specter who’s appearance is said to be a warning of coming disaster.

As I pondered this lack of coverage, it occurred to me, if something had a chance of being real, would sightings and associated stories lack attention, or is there just not enough interest? Even a feature motion picture wasn’t enough to push this cryptid into the forefront for very long.

I for one get very excited when I see a story involving a creature that can be mistaken for nothing but Mothman. I’ve seen incidents describing large winged entities and I’ve even posted on them here, but it wasn’t until today that I knew I had a bona-fide Mothman encounter….that is, if we are to believe the incident.

This story comes to us from Lon over at Phantoms & Monsters where a skittish woman who goes only by the initials EW, tells of a terrifying run in with what in my mind can only be Mothman:

The North Georgia Mothman Encounter (as told to Lon Strickler)

Last December I received an email from a woman (who I will refer to as ‘EW’) from north Georgia who thought she had encountered a Mothman. After many months of correspondence, the witness has agreed to allow me to post the event but only under strict circumstances. She has reviewed this post and has agreed to the following content being published:

“Hello – I am hoping you can shed some light on an incident I had a few years ago. I was twenty-five at the time and was driving to my friend CW’s house. It was quiet at 11:30 pm as I drove south on an old country road off of (redacted) highway near (redacted) in north Georgia. Very few people pass this way because it leads to nothing but a small group of houses. I turned on the radio but nothing came on. I figured it was a blown fuse but then I started to heard weird scratching sounds coming through the speakers. It sounded like a distant voice but I couldn’t understand what it was saying.

Suddenly, something flew in front of the car and hit the windshield with enough size and force that it totally mangled the grill and hood. I immediately stopped the car. I heard what sounded like wings flapping on the roof, but then something rolled down the back window onto the trunk then eventually on to the road. I thought I killed whatever it was. A woman in a truck had pulled up from behind and said she saw the thing hit the road. She said that it’s eyes were glaring bright red. As we looked more closely at this thing it resembled a man with large bat-like wings. The woman walked back to her truck and pulled a shotgun from the back and pointed it at this bat-like creature.

It was starting to move and we backed off. It slowly stood up on two large raptor-like claws, turned and stared directly at us with those terrible bright red eyes. The woman pumped the shotgun. It slowly levitated off the ground with wings spread until it was about 10 foot up then instantly, it let out a deafening screech as it just disappeared with a loud ‘swoosh’. The woman (who I found out later was CW’s aunt) and I just looked at each other.

This thing had the body of a well-built man. It had no feathers but charcoal gray skin like that of a bat with some hair on the shoulders and around the eyes and legs. When it spread it’s wings, it had the span of 12 foot or more. I estimate it was about 8 foot tall. It had no head however, just the eyes embedded on the shoulders that had brows. I didn’t noticed a mouth or nose. There is no way I was going to report this and CW’s aunt totally agreed. We both drove off to CW’s house. I was so shook up I stayed the night.

The next morning, I went outside to inspect the car. There was a huge crack in the windshield and the grill was mangled beyond repair. The hood also had a deep 25 inch dent. I started to walk back to the house when I noticed something laying in the grass beside the garage. It was CW’s Golden Retriever lying dead from massive lacerations up and down it’s back. I just knew that thing did it.

That was 3 years ago and I constantly dream of this creature. I was told by a friend that I had encountered a Mothman. It looked more like a Batman to be honest. I decided to look up a few of the sightings by others and saw your name and blog. Many of the images on Google were very similar to what I saw. I wrote to someone else about a year ago but they never got back to me. I have included 2 of the images I think look the most like the creature I hit with my car that night. Could you contact me at this email? Thank you for your time. EW”

For more on this subject, including Lon’s comments, head over to Phantoms & Monsters

Is this story authentic? It’s seems to hold many similarities to other winged creature encounters, such as the body slamming into the windshield and rolling off the back. Also, I was almost wondering why the other woman didn’t shoot the thing. At one point it lets out a hair raising screech and I fully expected the next sentence to describe the deafening sound of the shotgun muzzle! Yet, both women stand and watch as it floats up into the air.

Another problem that challenges the authenticity is at no time does either women scream, run or lock themselves in their vehicles. In fact, their reaction seems lacking in emotion or animation. However, those who know the Mothman story well will tell you that there are associated reports of emotional and mental manipulation. Could these ladies have been in some sort of semi-trance state?

I could just dismiss this as a hoax, but that wouldn’t be much fun, especially for someone as addicted to the Mothman saga as I am.

I’d like to give a big shout out to Lon as I enjoyed this one thoroughly.

Read more at and the original story over at

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Photo credit to Animal Planet

Has the Yeti’s existence been confirmed? writes:

DNA tests on hair found supposedly found in a Siberian may actually prove the existence of the Abominable Snowman.

Three separate DNA tests of the hair reported it “came from a human-like creature which is not a Homosapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey”.

Yeti hunters claim Yeti DNA is less than one per cent different to that of a human. But no-one has confirmed that “fact” to date, because no Yeti has ever been found or tested for DNA.

Until now. The DNA tests were carried out at universities in Moscow, St Petersburg at Idaho in the US. It is understood a fourth DNA test is also being carried out in the UK.

“We had ten samples of hair to study, and have concluded that they belong to mammal, but not a human, and not the animals known to the area where they were found, like a bear, or wolf, or goat, or any other animal,” Professor Valentin Sapunov of the Russian State Hydrometeorological Institute said.

“It was a branch of our university in St Petersburg that carried out a DNA test, and the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. The tests were performed by laboratory of electronic microscopy and laboratory of molecular genealogical classification.”

The “Yeti hair” was allegedly found in Siberia’s Azasskaya Cave by Dr Igor Birtsev, Russia’s leading advocate of the existence of the abominable snowman.


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The dark figure in the still above was thought to be a bear, until it stood up!

Some footage recently uploaded to YouTube has been found and blogged about by our buddies over at and it seems the young men in this video caught something pretty darn interesting in Provo Canyon, Utah recently.

Watch the video here

and a slowed down and enhanced version:

Ghost Theory writes:

Posted to You Tube yesterday, a couple of friends camping in Utah video what they presumed to be a bear, until it stands up. They react fairly honestly…

and run like scalded cats.

I would like to thank Tom Cantrall for the heads up on this one.

This sighting is said to have taken place in Provo Canyon Utah, which is home to park land as well as an historic railroad and Bridal Veil falls. That this is posted the day before Hallowe’en will certainly make some people suspicious, but then there is also no reason why it should not have happened on the day before any particular holiday. After all there is no evidence I have heard to suggest Bigfoot celebrates western culture holidays.

Judge for yourselves,